No amount of reasoning could shake him out of his conviction 再怎样跟他讲道理都不能让他放弃自己认准的事。
Many businessmen still find it hard to shake themselves out of the old state-dependent habit. 很多商人发现自己仍然很难摆脱依赖政府的老习惯。
While the water was heating she decided to shake out the carpet 趁着烧水的时候,她决定将地毯抖抖干净。
I took off my poncho, shook it out, and hung it on a peg by the door. 我脱下了披风,抖落干净,然后挂在门上的挂衣钉上。
Also I shook my lap, and said, So God shake out every man from his house, and from his labour, that performeth not this promise, even thus be he shaken out, and emptied. 我也抖着胸前的衣襟,说,凡不成就这应许的,愿神照样抖他离开家产和他劳碌得来的,直到抖空了。
Unfortunately, I am not able to prognosticate how everything will eventually shake out. 不幸的是,我无法预言每件事的最终结果将会怎样。
The design process should shake out these considerations beforehand. 设计过程应该事先就解决掉这些问题。
It essentially gave us time to shake out any bugs or issues with the new hardware. 这让我们有时间解决新硬件的所有bug或问题。
The back and forth between programmers and UX experts will shake out even more additions and refinements. 程序员与UX专家之间的交流将导致更多的增补和改进。
It was hard to shake him out of his apathy. 很难使他摆脱冷漠。
Would you kindly shake out a joss stick. 您能不能再求一神签?
Especially those sitting under the shade of palm-leaf fan breeze shake out, more people feel the hometown warmth. 特别是坐在树荫下,芭蕉扇摇出的清风,更使人感受到故乡的温情。
Both parties must strive to shake out of this stalemate. 双方必须努力摆脱这种僵局。
He wishes to "shake out" his spiritual being out of physical being by running as fast as he can. 通过狂飙式的奔跑,他希望于物理存在中“抖出”精神之存在。
That great, infinitesimal question-I can't shake it out of my thoughts. 那伟大的浩瀚无涯的问题我是无法赶出脑袋了。
Media distribution: With the ease people can create and distribute content, we'll see a major shake out in media. 媒体信息发布:随着一些有闲的人创造并发布内容,我们看到现在已经出现了一种新的强大的媒体。
And don't shake it out here, the sand's getting in my eyes. 也不要在旁边抖毯子,沙子都抖进我眼睛里去了。
She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek. 她捧起枕头,端看,好象舍不得抖掉他那脸颊的印痕。
She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek, dropped it, and turned round. 她捧起枕头,端着,好像舍不得抖掉他那脸颊的印痕,忽然丢下,转过身来。
Is there a controlled shake out process? 落砂过程是否受控?
In a new job, one should shake himself out of old habit of thought. 一个人干一项新工作时应该摆脱旧的思维习惯。
There's a darn good chance this hits the 200 DMA; it might even fall through it a bit and shake out the meek. DMA出现了一个非常好的机会,它可能会小幅下跌,然后就会摆脱平淡的走势。
The soldiers were ordered to shake out when crossing open country. 士兵们奉命散开穿越开阔地。
Numerical model was established after considering solidification, shake out, clearing getting system and heat treatment to predict the casting deformation during hot working processes. 综合考虑凝固、冷却、打箱、切除浇注系统和热处理影响建立数值模型,准确预测铸件在整个热加工工序中的变形。
As you strip the bed, be sure to shake out the linen to check for articles of clothing or other objects that might be mixed in with the bedding. 在剥脏布草的时候,用力抖动,防止有客衣和其它物品卷在被单里。
I went to the detectives to shake Albert out of the coalition. 我让那些侦探去把艾伯特挤出联盟。
I'll just shake out this duster. 我正要把灰尘从掸帚中抖掉。
Violent exercise might help to shake him out of his disappointment in love. 剧烈运动可能会帮助他从失恋中解脱出来。
So, I think it would probably shake out the very similar way the Internet acts in a sense that there're some predominant players that will emerge. 所以,我认为它可能会打开,类似于互联网的行为方式,有影响力的公司,将会诞生。
I'll shake out another reef, matey, and daddle'em again. 我要再一次的扬帆启航,伙计,要再捉弄他们一回。